@MikeNolan I've been asked by @rossjones to point you at http://scou.se/~Gth (he's got some "want my 10kth tweet to be good" thing going on)
– Adrian McEwen (amcewen) http://twitter.com/amcewen/status/61078438919933952 -
Still no response from @LancashireCC over FOI request for info about Strategic Partnership: http://goo.gl/GBJ0j
RT @MarkReckons: This might be the best blog post I have ever read. An award winning mathematician explains why AV is better than FPTP: …
RT @richardpbacon: Amazing Ofcom ruling brilliantly exposing the nonsense of newspaper outrage: http://t.co/iEFUiuh
RT @m1ke_ellis: The truth about my location http://twitpic.com/4n89zo
links for 2011-04-21