@MikeNolan Fantastic I have the video evidence – need your unbiased opinion: who is right? http://leco.gl/VVG Sensitive
– Amy Calderon (AmyCalderon16) http://twitter.com/AmyCalderon16/status/40741052352708609 -
@MikeNolan Friendly My landlord takes forever to fix anything..I documented on video. http://leco.gl/VQw Eminent
– Nancy (NancyJHansen4) http://twitter.com/NancyJHansen4/status/40727035710156800 -
@MikeNolan Considerate I had a stupid fight with my sister – you be the jury on who is right! http://leco.gl/VNt Selective
– Stephen (StephenWCochra3) http://twitter.com/StephenWCochra3/status/40718606375452672 -
@MikeNolan WHY DOES EVERYONE http://tinyurl.com/4vuarbj/?=mtk2&=nzgz #vina2011
– Ute Nulph (UteNulphNNZP) http://twitter.com/UteNulphNNZP/status/40459525232271360 -
@MikeNolan Your #spotify Tweet entered the chart http://SpotiChart.com Please follow us if interested in Music Charts tweets.
– Spotify Chart (spotichart) http://twitter.com/spotichart/status/40459373910294528 -
Just been shown around @WarwickUni's "Grid" – it's a bit like Tron but with fewer lightbikes: http://goo.gl/HU71R
RT @ZenLenton: http://whatthefuckismysocialmediastrategy.com – making up social media strategies so you don't have to. via @imjustmike
links for 2011-02-24