RT @doubleshiny: Students who are going to Uni in September – a list of grants you can apply for http://www.hkf.org.uk/awards_2011.php
RT @Defnetmedia: Bookings wise Ignite Liverpool leads over Social media Cafe by 11 bookings to 8 #smcliv http://j.mp/fbr233 #igniteliv …
RT @Defnetmedia: Bookings wise Ignite Liverpool leads over Social media Cafe by 11 bookings to 8 #smcliv http://j.mp/fbr233 #igniteliv …
RT @rupinjapan: aaaah shit, so that's what the first venn diagram looked like http://twitpic.com/3pdmbi
RT @doubleshiny: The knives are out for Media as a subject again thanks to the English Bacc. Here's my take http://tinyurl.com/68rheae
links for 2011-01-13