If you're going to #dev8d mobile event tomorrow, it appears Reading Uni postcodes are messed up: http://j.mp/96wpsy
Web Services Blog: Will you be our expert? http://bit.ly/aAsS5L
Inspired by @boagworld's #iwmw10 talk, I'm looking for a #highered "expert" to give us free consultancy: http://j.mp/d5XZTc
Recent tweet by Chris May reminded me of this. Entirely awesome.
RT @chrismay: Musings on the HTML5 history API: http://bit.ly/a9qvMK
I like what @warwickuni have done with @WarwicKnowledge: http://j.mp/aTGIUV > well done @ellielovell &co
Web Services Blog: Mobile Apps vs Mobile Web http://bit.ly/bn23xj
Quick summary of "Mobile Apps vs Mobile Web" #iwmw10 workshop session: http://j.mp/dBevkZ /cc @MarkPower @iwmw
links for 2010-07-20