The following is a non-exhaustive listing of higher ed mobile web sites. Hopefully it’s useful as you evaluate features and ideas for your own mobile site. If you have a mobile site let me know. At some point I might add a listing of unique native apps as well. A few of these links came from “45 Higher Education Mobile Website Links.”
@MikeNolan we've got one of these http://amzn.to/cVL5xP Had it a few years and still works really well.
– joypalmer (joypalmer) http://twitter.com/joypalmer/statuses/16384405734 -
I wonder how long before full-fat varieties of Pepsi and 7up go 600ml? Or other companies? http://flic.kr/p/8b4qMi
This is a bit mad.
Web Services Blog: Live Chat with Learning Services http://bit.ly/9kUElr
RT @universityboy: Google Scholar now has an official blog – http://googlescholar.blogspot.com/
RT @phpnw10: Early bird tickets have just gone on sale for #phpnw10 October 9th 2010 get them while they're nice and cheap!: http://bit. …
links for 2010-06-17