@mikenolan… this is so you !!! RT: @Explodingdog: good morning again. http://explodingdog.tumblr.com/post/634513904/wow-coffee-again
– Craig Rigby (craigrigby) http://twitter.com/craigrigby/statuses/14768618965 -
Naughty Gizmodo getting some flak for suggesting some people might pirate software by jailbreaking their iPad. Some people need to remove their head from the sand!
Not here! RT @universityboy: "Donations now provide 2.3% of income to higher education" (Guardian) http://bit.ly/8ZZrgE
wrote a reply to @dakoller 's comment on my blog post about the web as a CMS for data http://bit.ly/cuUlNQ
– Georgi Kobilarov (gkob) http://twitter.com/gkob/statuses/14722937442 -
RT @guardiantech: Coalition announces commitment to open source and free data http://bit.ly/cEn7zP
links for 2010-05-26