RT @liammcmurray: Twitter Microsyntax Power Extreme! http://factoryjoe.com/blog/2009/11/08/slashtags/ /via @chrismessina
@MikeNolan strange (but free) method http://is.gd/coB19
– Jeremy Speller (jeremyspeller) http://twitter.com/jeremyspeller/statuses/14693673198 -
Loving this, all I need now is an excuse to go to London! http://creativereview.co.uk/cr-blog/2010/may/streetmuseum-app
– Nicola Gaskell (nicgaskell) http://twitter.com/nicgaskell/statuses/14690051754 -
Suggestive of a spiral or perhaps a windmill, I don’t know of any obvious direct association with Edgehill, though the device does seem to come from a long lineage of basic graphic devices, one of which is a lauburu. Certainly not trying to equate the Edgehill logo with a swastika! – I think I’ll call it a swirl. The colours make it evocative of whirlpool, and as such I provides a pleasant focus for the logotype.
RT @logospotter: Some more logo reviews. This time I'm looking at Cranfield University and Edgehill. http://bit.ly/cEMFNm #university # …
Times jourodroid Finkelstein incapable of independent thought "I want my employer to b paid for my intellectual property" http://j.mp/a2HRA0
"Today we are excited to offer a new way for many more people to access Google PowerMeter: our new Featured Device partner Current Cost – the largest global supplier of real time displays for monitoring energy use. Having already sold one million energy monitoring devices, Current Cost will now offer devices that are compatible with Google PowerMeter. They will also offer upgrades to existing customers so that they too can monitor their energy consumption anywhere online with our software."
Wow – Coventry made a website just for us. They are awesome!
A few photos of Pen-y-Ghent and and Pavey Ark from the weekend: http://j.mp/cqZVFq
Phil Redmond says on #newsnight the UK should be doing things like developing iPad apps… perfect timing: http://j.mp/cCYK4W #via:@katielips
RT @frabcus: Google play catchup with Amazon, by cloning S3 as GS http://code.google.com/apis/storage/ (and Elastic MapReduce with BigQu …
I won't be surprised if Aol close Bebo, it makes sense financially: http://j.mp/936zPE
RT @c4lpt: Becta: does it deserve to die? by Rory Cellan-Jones, BBC http://bit.ly/aPOX55
– Martin Hughes (universityboy) http://twitter.com/universityboy/statuses/14629718843 -
It's depressing that all these people – and me – are just sat here watching the board waiting to be called forward. http://flic.kr/p/84B1Vx
links for 2010-05-25