RT @bbccouk: BBC Internet Blog: New BBC homepage launches: http://bit.ly/9vXa6Q << Usual complaints in the comments.
Boulton a pompous arse: for once, I agree with Alastair Campbell. http://gu.com/p/2hvvz/tw
– spencro (spencro) http://twitter.com/spencro/statuses/13776221098 -
Crazy nuts — Adam Boulton (Sky News) v Alastair Campbell (Labour) – FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! http://youtu.be/1gkHwU4DRA8
RT @AIannucci: Here's my thoughts from 1997 on a hung parliament and LibLab coalition. Look at the young hope on my face. http://tinyur …
RT @amcewen: .@MikeNolan @rosiebunny @contactmcr the 0 followers thing is to do with this twitter bug http://mashable.com/2010/05/10/twi …
links for 2010-05-11