@mikenolan is that @stedaniels in the foreground? http://bit.ly/9cMNV6
– Andy Davies (zedzdead) http://twitter.com/zedzdead/statuses/13129900440 -
This is damn cool.
Tonight I've been watching @stuartmaconie at @edgehill. More photos tomorrow. http://flic.kr/p/7XiPmG
@MikeNolan http://twitpic.com/1jeow7
– Ste Daniels (stedaniels) http://twitter.com/stedaniels/statuses/13077263936 -
Now web designers and developers can join the iPhone app party without having to learn Cocoa's Objective-C programming language. It's true: You can write iPhone apps quickly and efficiently using your existing skills with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This book shows you how with lots of detailed examples, step-by-step instructions, and hands-on exercises.
My response to #WLancs Conservative PPC's refusal to complete TheyWorkForYou survey: http://j.mp/cMJ1c1
RT @mysociety: Guardian article on our survey "Conservative candidates refuse to answer questions about their views" http://bit.ly/dabDti
links for 2010-04-30