Good work by @periodicvideos at @UniofNottingham in turning around this video about #ashtag http://j.mp/bMhEIA
My updated review of last night's Ignite Liverpool event – http://bit.ly/aWgmIK #igniteliv
– Alistair Houghton (wimpyking) http://twitter.com/wimpyking/statuses/12277790146 -
watch and feel tiny.
– alisonrowan (alisonrowan) http://twitter.com/alisonrowan/statuses/12276126389 -
@MikeNolan @scottbw I seem to remember HP doing a print anywhere solution several years ago – http://bit.ly/bq50md
– Tony Hirst (psychemedia) http://twitter.com/psychemedia/statuses/12273167507 -
I was in the pub watching the debate so this provides a very interesting summary of online activity.
jStorage is a simple wrapper plugin for Prototype, MooTools and jQuery to cache data on browser side.
RT @mweller: Brown makes subliminal hand gesture when talking about Cameron #leadersdebate http://twitpic.com/1fxqiy
Now up and broadcasting #IgniteLiv live at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/ignite-liverpool /via @amcewen
Target: £444,000.00
Raised so far: £25.00Want to help out?!
links for 2010-04-16