49% of students surveyed have smartphones.
Apple accounted for 35% of smart handsets, followed closely by Nokia at 25% and Blackberry at 17%.
68% of students have pay monthly contracts.
39% have a contract that gives unlimited access to internet.
An average of 50% of students access Email and Facebook through their mobiles several times a day.
25% claim to have no internet access from their handsets.
The top 3 potential University services which students would most like to see available from their mobiles would be;
Course Information
Exam and course timetables
PC availability in Open Access Labs. -
"I polled my school’s Class of 2014 Facebook group and the responses may surprise you."
Facebook needs to stand up to the bullying behaviour from Mr Gamble.
The pop out box guiding you to more content as you scroll down a story on the New York Times site is a really nice idea: http://j.mp/d9qoiL
As @pip said: impressed.
@MikeNolan Hi Mike, please see here for information about today's incident http://atlss.in/c37jcI Hopefully we can win back your trust
– atlassian (atlassian) http://twitter.com/atlassian/statuses/12073856958 -
RT @chrismay: Oh come on, Atlassian, would it have killed you to hash my password before you gave it out to the world? http://bit.ly/ap …
links for 2010-04-13